Министерот за туризам на Јамајка ги повика работниците во туризмот да се вакцинираат

Бартлет ја пофали НЦБ за започнување на иницијативата за влијание врз портфолиото за одговор на туризмот (ТРИП)
Министерот за туризам на Јамајка, г. Едмунд Бартлет - Сликата е обезбедена од Министерството за туризам на Јамајка

Министерот за туризам на Јамајка, почитуван. Едмунд Бартлет упати страстен апел до невакцинираните туристички работници, вклучително и оние во под-секторите поврзани со крстарењето, да се вакцинираат.


  1. The Jamaica Tourism Minister said frontline workers play a critical role in restoring the country’s economy and well-being.
  2. In advance of the expected return of the cruise industry, the Minister wants people to get vaccinated now.
  3. Cruise lines are eager to resume trips to Jamaica but must abide by stipulated guidelines.

“Tourism workers must always remember that they are valuable frontline workers who have a critical role to play in restoring the national economy and their own state of well-being. They must, therefore, play their part in helping to overcome the current setback created by the COVID-19 pandemic by taking the vaccine,” said Mr. Bartlett.

јамајка крстосување | eTurboNews | eTN

His appeal comes against the background of efforts to boost vaccination levels locally and the heightened expectation of the return of cruise shipping to Jamaican ports за неколку недели.

“Cruise shipping is an integral part of our tourism product and an important driver in terms of visitor arrivals and expenditure. Thousands of Jamaicans depend on the cruise shipping industry, and we look forward to its return,” noted Minister Bartlett.

He said although cruise activities at Jamaica’s ports have been dormant for the past year and a half, “we continue to invest in the development of cruise tourism, which is critical to the recovery of the tourism sector.  JAMVAC (Jamaica vacations Ltd.) has been driving this effort as we pivot in this crisis to take advantage of a new collaborative approach that will bring greater value for passengers, cruise lines and Destination Jamaica.”


  • He said although cruise activities at Jamaica's ports have been dormant for the past year and a half, “we continue to invest in the development of cruise tourism, which is critical to the recovery of the tourism sector.
  • His appeal comes against the background of efforts to boost vaccination levels locally and the heightened expectation of the return of cruise shipping to Jamaican ports in a matter of weeks.
  • “Cruise shipping is an integral part of our tourism product and an important driver in terms of visitor arrivals and expenditure.

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Аватар на Линда Хонхолц, уредник на eTN

Линда Хонхолц, уредник на еТН

Линда Хонхолц пишува и уредува написи уште од почетокот на нејзината работна кариера. Оваа вродена страст ја применила на места како што се Универзитетот во Пацифик Хаваи, Универзитетот „Шаминад“, Центарот за откривање деца на Хаваи и сега „Травел њуз Груп“.

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