Божиќната парада станува настан со масовни жртви во Ваукеша, Висконсин

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Аватар на Јурген Т Штајнмец
Напишано од Јуерген Т Штајнмет

It started to look like Christmas when the famous Waukesha Christmas Parade got back into motion after one year pause due to COVID-19.
This parade turned into a mass casualty incident.


Waukesha Police Chief says more than 20 people were hurt at the Waukesha Christmas Parade in Wisconsin when an SUV sped through the crowd of parade participants.

Reports say the SUV had 3 people in the car, triggering hours later a reverse 911 emergency shelter in place message popped up on everyone’s mobile phones. The reason is unknown at this time.

Waukesha is a city in and the county seat of Waukesha County, Wisconsin, United States. It is part of the Milwaukee metropolitan area. Its population was 70,718 at the 2010 census. The city is adjacent to the Village of Waukesha.

Waukesha is known as a very conservative area and enjoys a low crime rate. “They are nice people”, a witness described the people of Waukesha.”It’s a beautiful family-loving part of the country.”

As seen on the footage provided by participants, the SUV went full speed without stopping. The car went through a roadblock closed by plastic signs.

A police officer apparently shot through the SUVs window.

The incident has been declared as a Mass casualty incident.

Every ambulance in the city of Wisconsin was occupied taking injured to hospitals. Hospitals from other cities rushed to Waukesha to assist.

According to the latest reports, there was no gunfire from the SUV, and it cannot be confirmed if this incident is an accident or a deliberate attack.

Some reports try to build a connection between a prominent court case in a nearby town.

Unconfirmed reports talk about numerous casualties. The police said the vehicle was secured and they are looking for a person of interest.


  • According to the latest reports, there was no gunfire from the SUV, and it cannot be confirmed if this incident is an accident or a deliberate attack.
  • Reports say the SUV had 3 people in the car, triggering hours later a reverse 911 emergency shelter in place message popped up on everyone’s mobile phones.
  • Some reports try to build a connection between a prominent court case in a nearby town.

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Аватар на Јурген Т Штајнмец

Јуерген Т Штајнмет

Јирген Томас Штајнмец континуирано работи во индустријата за патувања и туризам уште како тинејџер во Германија (1977).
Тој основал eTurboNews во 1999 година како прв информативен билтен за глобалната индустрија за патнички туризам.

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