Патник со вреќа куршуми уапсен на аеродромот Москва Шереметјево

Аеродром Москва Шереметјево

Police officers have apprehended a woman trying to carry a bag with 50 small-caliber bullets through Аеродром Шереметјево in Москва, Russia, a source in law enforcement agencies said.

“A woman is detained in Sheremetyevo Airport’s Terminal E with 50 small-caliber bullets found in her bag,” the source informed.

According to the source, criminal proceedings were opened against her under article 222 of Russia’s Criminal Code (Illegal Acquisition, Transfer, Sale, Storage, Transportation, or Bearing of Firearms, Its Basic Parts, Ammunition, Explosives, and Explosive Devices), police officers are investigating why the woman purchased the bullets.


  • Police officers have apprehended a woman trying to carry a bag with 50 small-caliber bullets through Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow, Russia, a source in law enforcement agencies said.
  • “A woman is detained in Sheremetyevo Airport's Terminal E with 50 small-caliber bullets found in her bag,”.
  • According to the source, criminal proceedings were opened against her under article 222 of Russia's Criminal Code (Illegal Acquisition, Transfer, Sale, Storage, Transportation, or Bearing of Firearms, Its Basic Parts, Ammunition, Explosives, and Explosive Devices), police officers are investigating why the woman purchased the bullets.

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Главен уредник на задачата е Олег Сизијаков

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