Непосредна нова процедура во ист ден за дијагностицирање и лекување на рак на белите дробови

A HOLD FreeRelease 3 | eTurboNews | eTN
Напишано од Линда Хонхолц

Imagine being diagnosed with lung cancer and having the tumor surgically removed on the same day, thereby increasing the opportunity for limited follow-up therapy – or even curing the cancer. A team of pulmonary and thoracic experts at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital are the first in the region to combine these two steps, thus saving precious time for patients in addressing the “beast of all cancers,” according to Eric D. Anderson, MD, director of Interventional Pulmonology at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

“Coupling this early diagnosis with same-day surgery for lung cancer is a win for patients,” said Dr. Anderson. “Given the impact of lung cancer – the leading cause of cancer deaths — this is a major step towards stopping the disease in its tracks, resulting in better outcomes and giving patients an improved chance at life.”

In this new approach – Combined Robotic Assisted Thoracic Surgery (CRATS) – high-risk lung cancer patients first undergo a low dose CT scan of the lung to monitor for tumors. If a tumor is detected, the Ion robot bronchoscope is used to biopsy the lung tumor. If the lung tumor is found – through real-time biopsy – to be cancer, then the endobronchial ultrasound is used to determine if the cancer has spread to lymph nodes. If the lymph nodes are normal, then the patient undergoes surgery to remove the portion of the lung with the cancerous tumor using the DaVinci robotic video-assisted thoracic surgery system during the same anesthesia procedure. This new process – diagnosing lung cancer and removing the tumor at the same time — saves valuable time by removing the cancer right when it is detected, thereby limiting the opportunity for spread of disease and allowing for the start of additional therapies sooner if needed. In some instances, this approach can be curative of the cancer.

Previously this process of diagnosis and treatment could take several weeks — a critical time when cancer can continue to grow, and patients can experience increased anxiety about their health and prognosis.

Wayne Norris, 67, had the low dose CT lung screen that indicated a tumor. He was immediately scheduled for the combined procedure in the event the tumor was cancer.


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Линда Хонхолц

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