Латинска Америка презема мерки за спречување на ширење на пандемијата на коронавируси

Латинска Америка презема мерки за спречување на ширење на пандемијата на коронавируси
Латинска Америка презема мерки за спречување на ширење на пандемијата на коронавируси

As coronavirus (COVID- 19) outbreak is spreading all over the world, the countries in Latin America are taking preventative measures in order to prevent the spread of коронавирус (Пандемија на ковид-19.

On 15 March, the government of Belize has no confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID- 19), any nationality who have traveled within the 30 days from Europe, Iran, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and China will be prohibited entry to Belize.

On 15 March, the authorities of Guatemala announced that has confirmed 2 cases. From Thursday 12 March 2020 Guatemala will prevent people travelling from China, Iran, Korea, Germany, Italy, and Spain from entering Guatemala.

Ел Салвадор 
The government of El Salvador on 15 March, announced that the country remains without any suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID- 19), Authorities prohibit entry to all foreigners over the next 21 days through March 31, 2020. El Salvador is allowing travelers to leave the country.

On 15 March, the government of Honduras inform that has 3 new cases of coronavirus, making a total of 6 cases, and announced the closure of its borders to the transit of people. This includes land, sea and air borders from Monday, March 16, 2020.

Владата на Никарагва продолжува без никакви сомнителни или потврдени случаи на коронавирус (COVID-19) и не наметна никакви ограничувања или какви било политики за карантин како резултат на светската епидемија.

Коста Рика 
Владата на Коста Рика has 41 confirmed cases of COVID- 19 on Monday, March 16th and declared a State of Emergency. The country will close its borders to foreigners and non-residents staring on Wednesday, March 18. This include air, land or sea borders. This travel restrictions will continue through Sunday, April 12th

On March 15th, the Panamanian government has prohibited all foreigners from entering Panamá due to coronavirus (COVID- 19) for next 14 days


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Главен уредник на задачата е Олег Сизијаков

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