Властите на Сејшелите преземаат чекори за решавање на новата варијанта на СОВИД-19

сејшелско лого
Одбор за туризам во Сејшелите

Following this week’s Safe Tourism Task Force meeting led by the Seychelles Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Mr. Sylvestre Radegonde, the Public Health Authority has proposed new measures for the destination.

As of Monday, December 28, 2020, the United Kingdom will no longer feature on the list of countries from which visitors may travel to Seychelles. 

As of December 31, 2020, South Africa will not feature on the list of countries permitted into the country.

Between Wednesday, December 23, 2020, to Thursday, December 31, 2020, all visitors arriving from South Africa will not be permitted to stay in their private residences. Visitors will have to book a Category 2 establishment for at least 10 days before being tested, and if negative, they may complete the remaining 4 days at their private residence or a Category 1 establishment.

These decisions follow recent developments, whereby the UK and South Africa are being affected by a new variant of COVID-19. 

The measures will be effective until the end of January 2021 and will be subject to review before then.

Updates on travel measures and procedures to the destination can be viewed on the websites of the Tourism Department http://tourism.gov.sc/ and Department of Health http://www.health.gov.sc/ as well as Seychelles Travel Advisory page https://advisory.seychelles.travel/ .

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