Германците се соочуваат со нови правила за излезен меѓународен туризам и патувања

Германците се соочуваат со нови правила за излезен меѓународен туризам и патувања
германски вести1
Напишано од Јуерген Т Штајнмет

Germans travel. German tourists are at beaches, mountains and attractions everywhere in the world. German Tourism inbound and outbound was very different recently due to a global outbreak of Coronavirus. Restrictions started in Berlin when the ITB travel show was canceled the last minute in March.

The German Government is discussing the following internal measures to rebuild travel and tourism for German travelers wanting to go on a holiday abroad to be implemented soon:

I. The German government is aiming to coordinate at European level to enable travel to the member states of the European Union, to Schengen associated states and to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from 15 June 2020, insofar as the level of infection there permits.

II. relaxation of the rules for travel to these states presupposes that tourists can cross borders. Many states have issued entry bans or entry restrictions and therefore introduced internal border controls. The Federal Police also currently carry out internal border controls with some states. It is intended to further reduce these depending on the incidence of infection and in coordination with the states concerned.

III The Federal Foreign Office plans to lift the worldwide travel warning issued on 17 March 2020 as of 15 June 2020 for the states listed under I. and to return to country-specific travel instructions for these states that take into account the regional epidemiological situation. Travel is strongly discouraged in countries or regions where quarantine measures are still in force. A travel warning will continue to apply until the lifting of large-scale exit restrictions or entry bans for individual states and regions that still exist.

IV. In order to enable intra-European tourism, it is necessary that the countries or regions listed under I. fulfill the following criteria:

1. a cumulative number of newly infected persons in relation to the population of less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days according to the publication of the RKI according to the statistical evaluations of the ECDC

2. the states mentioned under I. take measures with regard to infection control and health care, especially in the area of tourism and travel. This is based on the recommendations issued by the European Commission. Compliance with these recommendations will be evaluated at the European level; this will be supplemented by ongoing monitoring by the Federal Government.

V. If the criteria under IV. are not met, the Federal Government will take protective measures. These may include, for example, country- or region-specific travel warnings. In such cases, the national quarantine regulations must be observed abroad and subsequently in Germany. For this purpose, region-specific statistics on infection figures should be compiled, including an up-to-date presentation of new infections by the ECDC or RKI. In addition to the above-mentioned monitoring measures, a bilateral exchange with particularly affected countries is necessary in order to
03.06.2020 to inform each other about corresponding hotspots, as far as this information cannot be obtained by continuous monitoring by the Federal Government.

VI. a collection of German citizens by the Federal Government during a quarantine possibly imposed abroad remains excluded.

VII In order to ensure a uniform European approach, the Federal Government will work at the European level and in bilateral contacts to implement these criteria.

There will be different measures for inbound tourism to Germany.


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Јуерген Т Штајнмет

Јирген Томас Штајнмец континуирано работи во индустријата за патувања и туризам уште како тинејџер во Германија (1977).
Тој основал eTurboNews во 1999 година како прв информативен билтен за глобалната индустрија за патнички туризам.

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