Пазар на Wallидови за алуминиумски завеси: Анализа на индустријата 2020 година и предвидувања до 2026 година

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Selbyville, Delaware, United States, September 21 2020 (Wiredrelease) Global Market Insights, Inc –:According to a research report by Global Market Insights Inc., the aluminum curtain wall market is likely to surpass a valuation of $57.16 billion by the end of 2026.

The growing adoption of curtain walls across commercial buildings is projected to be the prime factor augmenting the aluminum curtain wall market share over the coming years. In addition, the rapidly rising application scope of the product within the residential sector should further foster the market size. Growing demand for the product in these sectors is being ascribed to its lightweight, cost-effective, and energy efficient properties.

Побарајте примерок од овој извештај за истражување: https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/4258

Additionally, an upsurge in the commercial constructions across the globe should further stimulate the adoption of aluminum curtain walls through the forecast timeframe. In fact, despite the lockdowns across the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global construction activities are projected to grow tremendously. According to the World Economic Forum, population of the globe’s urban regions is growing by over 200,000 individuals per day, which is creating a need for more affordable housing and social, utility and transportation infrastructure.

Rapid urbanization and industrialization is leading to the growth of commercial construction across emerging economies, which would majorly fuel the overall market outlook from the commercial application segment. In fact, the segment is projected to hold approximately 90% of the overall aluminum curtain wall industry share by the end of the analysis period. On the other hand, increasing awareness among people about energy efficiency across residential buildings would also positively impel adoption of curtain walls in residential applications over the coming years.

With reference to system type, the market is bifurcated into unitized, semi-unitized, and stick-built systems. Of these, the unitized curtain wall system dominated the market share, holding approximately 62% of the overall industry share in 2019. The segment is likely to foresee similar growth trends due to the increasing installations of these systems across commercial buildings. This demand is attributed to the number of benefits they offer, including low labor cost, low installation cost, high energy efficiency, and speedy installations.

Барање за прилагодување: https://www.gminsights.com/roc/4258

The North America aluminum curtain wall market is expected to witness tremendous rate of expansion led by the U.S. In fact, the regional market is projected to hold about 22% industry share of the overall market by the end of 2026. An upsurge in the commercial constructions across the U.S. as well as renovation of old structures is likely to be the prime factor augmenting the market growth. In addition, the consistently growing demand for curtain walls to avoid water and air penetration, protection against wind load and dead load, and natural light filtration should majorly fuel the regional market trends over the coming years.

Meanwhile, the increasing prevalence of green buildings across the world and an increase in the number of respondents to this initiative should majorly proliferate the aluminum curtain walls demand. In fact, according to the World Green Building Council’s survey conducted across 20 countries, the number of customers wanting their construction projects to be green is projected to rise to 47% in 2021, the number was approximately 27% in 2018. Moreover, an upsurge in the green building initiative should increase the demand for the product. Aluminum is a highly sustainable and environmentally friendly resource which increases their applications.

The competitive landscape of the aluminum curtain wall market is inclusive of players such as Capitol Aluminum & Glass Corporation, Arcat, Extech Exterior Technologies, Arcadica, ALUMIL, Kawneer, Hansen, EFCO corporation, Sapa Building Systems Ltd., Reynaers, YKK AP America, Petra Aluminum, and C.R. Laurence Co. among others.

Содржина за овој истражувачки извештај@  https://www.gminsights.com/toc/detail/aluminum-curtain-wall-market

Изведете содржина

Поглавје 1. Методологија и обем

1.1. Дефиниција на пазарот

1.2.  Base estimates & working

1.2.1. Северна Америка

1.2.2. Европа

1.2.3. Азија Пацифик

1.2.4. Латинска Америка

1.2.5. Блискиот Исток и Африка

1.3.  Forecast calculations

1.3.1. Пресметки на влијанието на КОВИД-19 врз индустриската прогноза

1.4. Извори на податоци

1.4.1. Средно Платено Неплатен

1.4.2. Основно

Поглавје 2. Извршно резиме

2.1.  Aluminum curtain wall industry 3600 synopsis, 2016 – 2026

2.1.1. Деловни трендови

2.1.2. System type trends

2.1.3. Construction type trends

2.1.4. Трендови на апликација

2.1.5. Регионални трендови

Chapter 3.   Aluminum Curtain Wall Industry Insights

3.1. Сегментација на индустријата

3.2. Пејзаж на индустријата, 2016 - 2026 година

3.3.  COVID 19 impact on industry landscape

3.4. Анализа на екосистемот во индустријата

3.4.1. Анализа на каналот на дистрибуција

3.4.2. Анализа на нарушување на синџирот на вредност (влијание на СОВИД 19)

3.4.3. Матрица на продавач

3.5. Технолошки пејзаж

3.6. Трендови на цени

3.6.1. Северна Америка

3.6.2. Европа

3.6.3. Азија Пацифик

3.6.4. Латинска Америка

3.6.5. МЕА

3.7. Анализа на структурата на трошоците

3.8. Регулаторен пејзаж

3.8.1. САД

3.8.2. Европа

3.8.3 Кина

3.9. Сили на влијание врз индустријата

3.9.1. Возач на раст Rising demand for the aluminum as construction material Growing awareness related to green building in the construction sector Increasing government intervention in building infrastructure

3.9.2. Замки и предизвици во индустријата

3.10 Иновации и одржливост

3.11. Анализа на потенцијал за раст, 2019 година

3.12. Анализа на Портер

3.12.1.     Supplier power

3.12.2.     Buyer power

3.12.3.     Threat of new entrants

3.12.4.     Industry rivalry

3.12.5.     Threat of substitutes

3.13. Анализа на удел на пазарот на компанијата, 2019 година

3.13.1.    Top players analysis

3.13.2. Стратешка табла

3.14. Анализа на PESTEL

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