Антигва и Барбуда пречекува повеќе канадски посетители

Дестинацијата на два острови, Антигва и Барбуда, забележува пораст во канадскиот сообраќај токму на време за зимската сезона на патувања.

Beginning October 8, a new offering of flights from Air Canada is expected to help realize a recovery to pre-pandemic airlift levels in the Canadian market.

The Air Canada flight arrived this afternoon carrying 106 passengers from Toronto and the aircraft was given a welcome back water cannon salute.  Passengers were also greeted by cultural dancers, music and small welcome tokens.

“We are extremely pleased with Air Canada’s decision to both resume and increase service to our shores and look forward to extending our famous Antigua and Barbuda hospitality to our Canadian visitors,” said The Honorable Charles Fernandez, Minister of Tourism and Investment. “We know many Canadians are more than ready for a vacation and we are equally ready to provide the relaxation and escape that Canadians have been craving.”

As noted, the rollout of the new service begins today with a single direct flight weekly from Toronto (YYZ) to St. John’s (ANU). Service will continue to ramp up to meet the traditional demand of the holiday season, with Air Canada forecasting the eventual operation of five weekly flights at peak traffic.

Travellers from Montreal looking to fly south for the winter can look forward to once-a-week direct flights (YUL to ANU) beginning December 23rd.

The return of Air Canada flights to Antigua & Barbuda comes in the wake of the destination’s latest travel advisory, which has lifted all COVID-19 restrictions for passengers arriving by air, yacht, and ferry. While a successful strategy of mass vaccinations and proactive public awareness campaigns has kept COVID-19 infection levels low, visitors are still encouraged to wear mask and practice social distancing in public spaces where crowds are likely to gather.

“Over the course of the pandemic, Antigua and Barbuda has seen a monumental, joint effort involving both the government and industry stakeholders to make the destination as safe as it can be,” said Colin James, Chief Executive Officer of The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority. “With that goal now realized and our Canadian friends set to return, we are extremely excited that our guests will once again be able to experience everything our home has to offer.”


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Хари sonонсон

Хари Johnsonонсон беше уредник на задачите за eTurboNews повеќе од 20 години. Тој живее во Хонолулу, Хаваи, а по потекло е од Европа. Ужива да пишува и покрива вести.

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