Глобалното истражување на патниците открива дека меѓународното патување се враќа

слика учтивост на WTTC | eTurboNews | eTN
слика учтивост на WTTC

More than a quarter of consumers plan on three or more international trips with Australians to spend more on travel than any other nation.

Како Светски совет за патувања и туризам (WTTC) opens its 22nd Global Summit in Riyadh, a new global consumer survey has revealed that the appetite for international travel is now at its highest point since the start of the pandemic.

According to the survey of more than 26,000 consumers from 25 countries, conducted by YouGov for WTTC, 63% планираат рекреативно патување во следните 12 месеци.

Истражувањето открива дека апетитот за патување не покажува знаци на забавување, при што повеќе од една четвртина (27%) од потрошувачите планираат три или повеќе патувања во истиот период.
Additionally, the survey shows that travelers from Australia will be the world’s biggest spenders when it comes to international travel over the next 12 months, with jet setters from Canada, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines also expected to spend more than other travelers from around the globe.

According to the YouGov ‘global tracker’, the attractiveness and positive impression of Saudi Arabia as a destination continues to grow, with the highest scores across countries in the Gulf region, along with Indonesia, India, Malaysia, and Thailand. 

Julулија Симпсон, WTTC President & CEO said; “This global survey shows that international travel is back.”

“As we kick off our Global Summit in Riyadh bringing together global travel leaders and governments from around the world,  travelers are getting ready to explore the world again.”

 „Резултатите од ова глобално истражување ја покажуваат и зголемената важност на одржливото патување меѓу потрошувачите“.
Almost two thirds of those surveyed (61%) stated they prefer travel brands and destinations that are more sustainable, whilst almost half (45%) said they will only spend their hard-earned money with brands that are socially and environmentally responsible.

This is revealed on the eve of the global tourism body’s highly anticipated 22nd Global Summit, which is set to welcome delegates from around the world in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

eTurboNews е медиумски партнер за WTTC.


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Линда Хонхолц, уредник на еТН

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