Хотелите etетвинг доделија 25 сертификати за извонредност на TripAdvisor


Jetwing Hotels, the largest resort brand in the island has once again received Certificates of Excellence from the world’s largest travel site, TripAdvisor. Having been the regular recipient of these awards for the past few years running, this time around 25 properties; Calamansi Cove Villas by Jetwing, Galle Heritage Villa by Jetwing, Hotel J Ambalangoda, Jetwing Ayurveda Pavilions, Jetwing Beach, Jetwing Colombo Seven, Jetwing Jaffna, Jetwing Kaduruketha, Jetwing Kurulubedda, Jetwing Lagoon, Jetwing Lake, Jetwing Lighthouse, Jetwing Lighthouse Club, Jetwing Sea, Jetwing Surf, Jetwing Vil Uyana, Jetwing Warwick Gardens, Jetwing Yala, Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing, Mermaid Hotel & Club, North Gate by Jetwing, Oatlands by Jetwing, Saman Villas, Underneath The Mango Tree by Jetwing, Yathra Houseboat by Jetwing have been recognized for their exceptional service by TripAdvisor. Now in its ninth year, the achievement celebrates businesses that are consistently excellent – having earned great traveler reviews on TripAdvisor over the past year. Certificate of Excellence recipients include restaurants, accommodations and attractions located all over the world that have continually delivered a quality customer experience.

With over 4 decades of experience in the hospitality industry, Jetwing Hotels continues to choose rare and exceptionally unique destinations so guests from around the world get the opportunity to immerse themselves in local culture. While each resort and villa will take you to a world of its own coupled with luxurious offerings, unique design and architecture and stunning views of the natural surroundings, the impeccable service offered at Jetwing Hotels is unmatched. Designed by world renowned architect Geoffrey Bawa, the iconic Jetwing Lighthouse – which embodies the best of tropical modernism, elegance and old-world charm is currently undergoing a transformation in its interior design and overall experience with the objective of being positioned as the ultimate luxury boutique resort in Galle. Jetwing Hotels is also set to mark its presence in Kandy later this year with a new contemporary boutique hotel. Spanning 1.9 acres, the hotel will feature 26 plush rooms and suites with private butler service, exemplary amenities and elegant design with a local touch.

“Winning the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence for 25 out of our 40 properties across the island is a true testament to our associates who are deeply committed to delivering the most genuine and personalized guest experience each and every day. We would like to thank all our guests for taking a moment of their valuable time to share the experiences on TripAdvisor. There is no greater seal of approval than being recognized by our guests” said Shiromal Cooray, Chairman, Jetwing Hotels.

Сертификатот за извонредност претставува за квалитетот, квантитетот и неодамнешните прегледи доставени од патници на TripAdvisor во период од 12 месеци. За да се квалификува, бизнисот мора да одржува вкупен рејтинг на меурчиња во TripAdvisor од најмалку четири од пет, да има минимален број прегледи и мора да биде наведен на TripAdvisor најмалку 12 месеци.

To book your stay with a personalized service at Jetwing Hotels call on +94 (0)11 4 709 400 or log on to www.jetwinghotels.com.

Семејството во сопственост и во туристичката индустрија во последните 46 години, „etетвинг хотели“ ги надмина очекувањата од секој аспект. Врз основа на нивната основа да бидат страствени, како и искуството за вистинско, традиционално гостопримство во Шри Ланка, постојано пионерските откритија ја доловуваат суштината на брендот. Таквата силна изјава и насока им овозможи на Jetwing Hotels да замислат, создаваат и управуваат со чуда и ремек-дела, каде карактеристичниот дизајн и елегантната удобност се надополнуваат едни со други и околината. Во согласност со Стратегијата за одржливост на хотелите wетвинг, на сите својства им се дава приоритет на одржливите и одговорни практики, со ефикасност на ресурсите, подигнување и едукација на заедницата, и свеста се некои од нашите клучни области во фокусот.


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