Sky Vacations го проширува портфолиото на Блискиот Исток

Водечкиот американски тур-оператор Sky Vacations го проширува своето портфолио на производи на Блискиот Исток додека патувањето продолжува со своето заживување низ целиот регион.

The expansion is part of the brand’s efforts to increase its footprint in key destinations that offer authentic and unique travel experiences to travelers who are looking for the perfect blend of East and West.

Sky Vacations’ new portfolio to the Middle East includes yoga experiences in Israel, family adventures in Egypt, ancient and modern journey to Qatar, Architecture and Design tour in Abu Dhabi & Dubai, plus a first ever program to AlUla, Saudi Arabia – the World’s Oldest, New Destination.

“We’re excited to further grow our presence in the Middle East. Rebuilding and rethinking experiences for travelers in our new environment has been of paramount importance to us, and our expanded portfolio to the Middle East reflects the dynamic and exciting preferences of our travel agents and their clients” said Richard Krieger, Director of Sky Vacations.

These new programs complement the existing portfolio which includes product throughout Asia, Central/South America, the Middle East and Europe.


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Хари sonонсон

Хари Johnsonонсон беше уредник на задачите за eTurboNews повеќе од 20 години. Тој живее во Хонолулу, Хаваи, а по потекло е од Европа. Ужива да пишува и покрива вести.

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