Аквизицијата на Sunwing од страна на WestJet Group се движи во следната фаза

Групацијата WestJet денес издаде соопштение по објавувањето на советодавниот извештај на Бирото за конкуренција за предложеното купување на Sunwing Vacations и Sunwing Airlines од компанијата и позитивната определба на Канадската агенција за транспорт.

“We thank the Competition Bureau and welcome their report,” said Angela Avery, WestJet Group Executive Vice-President and Chief People, Corporate and Sustainability Officer. “We look forward to bringing this transaction to life for the benefit of Canadian travellers, communities and employees.”

The Bureau’s report is advisory and non-binding but will support the Minister of Transport’s public interest assessment. The final decision, made by the Cabinet on the Minister of Transport’s recommendation, will consider additional factors presented in the WestJet Group’s application, including the preservation of Sunwing’s brand, the commitment to maintain Sunwing’s Toronto and Montreal offices, new flying that will be created by retaining Sunwing’s aircraft in Canada year-round and the resulting new employment opportunities.

Separately, the Canadian Transportation Agency has issued its positive determination of the proposed transaction. WestJet thanks the Agency for its review. With the publication of the Bureau’s report and the issuance of the Agency’s determination, the transaction’s regulatory review process moves into its next stage.

The WestJet Group announced its intent to acquire Sunwing on March 2, 2022. The transaction is a central piece to the WestJet Group’s commitment to prioritize leisure and sun travel from coast to coast and increase affordable air and vacation package offerings for all Canadians.

The transaction is expected to close by spring 2023 pending remaining regulatory and government approvals.


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Хари sonонсон

Хари Johnsonонсон беше уредник на задачите за eTurboNews повеќе од 20 години. Тој живее во Хонолулу, Хаваи, а по потекло е од Европа. Ужива да пишува и покрива вести.

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