Аеродромот во Франкфурт го забележа најсилниот месец на патници во историјата

Напишано од Линда Хонхолц

In July 2014, the Fraport AG global airport company once again registered passenger growth at its Frankfurt Airport (FRA) home base.


In July 2014, the Fraport AG global airport company once again registered passenger growth at its Frankfurt Airport (FRA) home base. With almost 5.9 million passengers served in July 2014, Fraport recorded the busiest passenger month in FRA’s history. Despite weather-related cancellations during the reporting month, passenger traffic advanced by 2.3 percent compared to the same period last year. This increase can be attributed to the summer school holidays commencing in July in all of Germany’s federal states.

FRA’s cargo (airfreight and airmail) throughput grew modestly by 1.1 percent year-on-year to 181,459 metric tons. Aircraft movements decreased by 1.0 percent to 42,841 takeoffs and landings, impacted by the numerous weather- related flight cancellations.

Fraport AG’s international portfolio also registered traffic gains overall during July 2014. Peru’s Lima Airport (LIM) welcomed 1.4 million passengers, a rise of 3.8 percent year-on-year. On the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, Burgas (BOJ) and Varna (VAR) airports together served well over one million passengers in July 2014, up 1.1 percent. More than 4.2 million passengers used Antalya Airport (AYT) on the Turkish Riviera, representing a gain of 9.3 percent compared to the same month in 2013. Achieving double-digit growth of 13.5 percent, Pulkovo Airport (LED) in St. Petersburg, Russia, received about 1.8 million passengers in July 2014. Xi’an Airport (XIY) in central China saw passenger traffic climb by 8.8 percent to 2.7 million. In Germany, Hanover Airport (HAJ) had 527,835 passengers (down 5.8 percent).

Fraport AG – which ranks among the world’s leading companies in the global airport business – offers a full range of integrated airport management services and boasts subsidiaries and investments on five continents, In 2013, the Fraport Group generated sales of €2.56 billion, EBITDA of €880.2 million and profit of about €236 million. Last year, more than 103 million passengers used airports around the world in which Fraport has a majority stake.

At its Frankfurt Airport (FRA) home base, Fraport welcomed more than 58 million passengers in 2013 and handled some 2.1 million metric tons of cargo (airfreight and airmail). For the current flight timetable, FRA is served by 108 passenger airlines flying to some 295 destinations in 105 countries worldwide. More than half of FRA’s destinations are intercontinental (beyond Europe) – underscoring Frankfurt’s role as a leading hub in the global air transportation system. In Europe, Frankfurt Airport ranks first in terms of cargo tonnage and is the third-busiest for passenger traffic. With well over 50 percent of all passengers using Frankfurt as a connecting hub, FRA also has the highest transfer rate among the major European hubs.

Frankfurt Airport City has become Germany’s largest job complex at a single location, employing more than 78,000 people at some 500 companies and organizations directly on site. Almost half of Germany’s population lives within a 200-kilometer radius of the FRA intermodal travel hub – the largest airport catchment area in Europe. FRA Airport City also serves as a magnet for other companies located throughout the economically vital Frankfurt/Rhine-Main-Neckar region. Thanks to synergies associated with the region’s dynamic industries, networked expertise, and outstanding intermodal transportation infrastructure, FRA’s world route network enables Hesse’s and Germany’s export-oriented businesses to flourish in global growth markets.

Аеродромот во Франкфурт ги задоволува зголемените потреби на процветаните извозно ориентирани економии на државата Хесен, како и на Германија како целина, за оптимални врски со пазарите за раст низ целиот свет. Исто така, FRA е исто така стратешки портал за компаниите кои сакаат да пристапат до огромниот европски пазар. Така, аеродромот во Франкфурт - кој е стратешки лоциран во срцето на Европа, е еден од најважните центри во светот и клучно инфраструктурно место за Германија и Европа.

Големите нови случувања во недвижностите - како што се The Squaire, деловниот парк Gateway Gardens и логистичкиот парк Mönchhof итн. - создаваат возбудлива нова димензија и опсег на услуги во развојот на аеродромскиот град Франкфурт на 21 век.


  • Fraport AG – which ranks among the world's leading companies in the global airport business – offers a full range of integrated airport management services and boasts subsidiaries and investments on five continents, In 2013, the Fraport Group generated sales of €2.
  • Frankfurt Airport meets the increasing needs of the flourishing export-oriented economies of the State of Hesse as well as Germany as a whole, for optimal connections to growth markets around the globe.
  • Thus, Frankfurt Airport – which is strategically located in the heart of Europe, is one of the most important hubs in the world and a key infrastructure site for Germany and Europe.

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Линда Хонхолц

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