ИАТА: Закрепнувањето на побарувачката на патници продолжи во 2021 година, но Омикрон имаше влијание

2021 Calendar year (% chg vs 2019)World share in 20211РПКАСКPLF (% -pt)2PLF (ниво)3
Вкупен пазар 100.0%-58.4%-48.8%-15.4%67.2%
Азија Пацифик27.5%-66.9%-56.7%-19.2%62.6%
Латинска Америка6.5%-47.4%-43.9%-5.2%77.3%
среден Исток6.5%-69.9%-55.5%-24.6%51.5%
Северна Америка32.6%-39.0%-29.9%-11.0%73.8%

Меѓународни пазари на патници

  • Азиско-пацифички авиокомпании’ full-year international traffic plunged 93.2% in 2021 compared to 2019, which was the deepest decline for any region. It fell 87.5% in the month of December, a bit better than the 89.8% decline in November. Full year capacity was down 84.9% compared to 2019. Load factor fell 44.3 percentage points to 36.5%.
  • Европски превозници saw a 67.6% traffic decline in 2021 versus 2019. Capacity fell 57.4% and load factor decreased 20.6 percentage points to 65.0%. For the month of December, traffic slid 41.5% compared to December 2019, an improvement over the 43.5% year-to-year decline in November.
  • Авиокомпании од Блискиот исток’ annual passenger volumes in 2021 were 71.6% below 2019. Annual capacity fell 57.7% and load factor dropped 25.1 percentage points to 51.1%. December’s traffic was down 51.2% compared to December 2019, a solid pick-up from a 54.3% drop in November.
  • Северноамерикански авиокомпании’ full year traffic fell 65.6% compared to 2019. Capacity dropped 52.0%, and load factor sank 23.8 percentage points to 60.2%. December demand was down 41.7% compared to the same month a year-ago, a pick-up over a 44.6% drop in November.
  • Латиноамерикански авиокомпании had a 66.9% full year traffic decline compared to 2019. Capacity fell 62.2% and load factor dropped 10.2 percentage points to 72.6%, the highest among regions. Traffic fell 40.4% for the month of December compared to December 2019, significantly bettering the 47.3% decline in November. 
  • Африкански авиокомпании’ international traffic fell 65.2% last year compared to 2019, which was the best performance among regions. Capacity dropped 56.7%, and load factor sank 14.1 percentage points to 57.3%. Demand for the month of December was 60.5% below the year-ago period, a deterioration from the 56.5% decline in November, owing to the impact of government travel restrictions in response to Omicron. 


  • 7% compared to the same month a year-ago, a pick-up over a 44.
  • 2% compared to December 2019, a solid pick-up from a 54.
  • Latin American airlines had a 66.

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Хари sonонсон

Хари Johnsonонсон беше уредник на задачите за eTurboNews повеќе од 20 години. Тој живее во Хонолулу, Хаваи, а по потекло е од Европа. Ужива да пишува и покрива вести.

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