Карипска организација за туризам: JetBlue ги проширува своите стапки во регионот

Карипска организација за туризам: JetBlue ги проширува своите стапки во регионот
JetBlue expands its footprint in the Caribbean

Having doubled its seat capacity to the Caribbean over the last decade, JetBlue is looking to expand its business footprint in the region, including through its travel booking arm, JetBlue Travel Products.

Mike Pezzicola, the head of commercial for JetBlue Travel Products, presented at a recent Caribbean outlook forum organised by the Карипска организација за туризам (CTO) во Антигва и Барбуда.

He said JetBlue operates over 1000 flights daily with a third of its route network in the Caribbean, and this is likely to increase as JetBlue continues to expand capacity in the years ahead. Since May of 2018, JetBlue has added six additional non-stop routes to Caribbean destinations.

In addition, the JetBlue official told the senior tourism policymakers and executives the company was also focused on increasing bookings of ground transportation, tours, hotels and attractions in destinations through the travel booking arm.

“One thing we see is that as folks are planning to travel, when they book their travel vacation with us, and we help them plan it, their stay is longer and they are more likely to return, if not to the destination then to another destination in the tropics,” said Pezzicola.

He added that JetBlue was also focusing on improving its cooperative marketing with destinations and large resorts, while also emphasising the uniqueness of Caribbean destinations by highlighting their culture, food and events.
“We are working very heavily now on explaining the difference and as a lot of our customers, particularly those flying down from the US, have this vision that every [destination in the Caribbean] is the same and we all know that is not true,” said Pezzicola.

Форумот за карибите за туризам беше првиот организиран од КТО како платформа за дискусија помеѓу владите членки и лидерите од туристичката индустрија кои генерираат деловни активности во регионот. На него присуствуваа министри и комесари за туризам, директори за туризам, извршни директори на организации за управување со дестинации, постојани секретари, советници и специјалисти и технички службеници од 12 земји-членки.


  • “One thing we see is that as folks are planning to travel, when they book their travel vacation with us, and we help them plan it, their stay is longer and they are more likely to return, if not to the destination then to another destination in the tropics,” said Pezzicola.
  • “We are working very heavily now on explaining the difference and as a lot of our customers, particularly those flying down from the US, have this vision that every [destination in the Caribbean] is the same and we all know that is not true,” said Pezzicola.
  • He said JetBlue operates over 1000 flights daily with a third of its route network in the Caribbean, and this is likely to increase as JetBlue continues to expand capacity in the years ahead.

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