Зимските летови тргнаа кон Ер Италија и Вулинг

Зимските летови тргнаа кон Ер Италија и Вулинг
Winter flights

Ер Италија

Air Italy started its winter flight plan from Аеродромот во Милано Малпенса to the Maldives Island on October 29. The direct connection is planned three times a week.

The flights plan to Male for Tuesday and Thursday with departure are at 6:15 pm and arrival at 08:00 am, Saturday departure at 9:15 pm and arrival at 11:00 am. The return Malè Malpensa flights are scheduled on Wednesdays and Fridays at 09:55am with arrival at 4:50 pm, Sundays at 1:10 pm arriving at 8:05 pm. The plane on the route is an Airbus A330-200

From the end of October, Air Italy also begins non-stop connections to Kenya and Zanzibar, both by Airbus A330-200 with business and economy class.

For Mombasa, the direct flights from Malpensa are scheduled on Friday and Sunday at 7:55 pm with arrival at 06:05, while the return is scheduled for Saturday and Monday at 08:05 am and arrival at Malpensa at 14:50.

Towards Zanzibar the schedule is to fly on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 pm with arrival at 08:00, while for the return there is a choice between a flight on Wednesday or Friday at 10:00 am and arrival at Malpensa at 4:55 pm.

Tenerife and Sharm el Sheikh complete the winter season of Air Italy with a connection a week until spring 2020.


Vueling inaugurates the winter season by increasing its offer with 5 flights departing from the Florence airport and more than 2.4 million seats available.

There are 48 routes that the Spanish carrier will operate from the end of October to March 2020, with departures set by 14 Italian airports which confirm Italy as the company’s strategic international market, second only to Spain.

Vueling’s winter sees important confirmations.

Starting from the increase in connections with Barcelona – the company’s hub – from Florence and Milan Malpensa, with more than 1 million seats offered for sale.

France is also a key destination and becomes even easier to reach thanks to flights to Paris, Marseille, Nantes, and Lyon and more than 500,000 tickets available departing from Rome Fiumicino, Florence, Malpensa, and Venice.

From Florence, the offer includes 5 flights that bring to 12 the total destinations accessible and more than 430,000 seats available (+56% on 2018). Thanks to these routes travelers can reach additional European cities, such as Vienna (up to 6 weekly), Munich (5), Bilbao (2), Prague (3) and London Luton (2).

Among the new features is also the new aircraft based from September on the Florentine airport, which will enrich the Vueling fleet bringing to 3 the number of available aircraft.

Rome Fiumicino – the company’s first Italian hub and second at the international level – is also confirmed as a nerve center with its 21 routes and over 1.2 million seats available

As for northern Italy, for the winter season Vueling focuses on Milan Malpensa airport, offering 3 flights that connect  passengers with Barcelona (up to s6ix daily flights), Paris Orly (tw2o) and Bilbao (2) for a total of more than 425,000 seats offered and a growth of 9.7% compared to 2018.

The 3 special routes planned for Christmas are added to the connections which Vueling will operate between Milan Malpensa and Malaga, Alicante and Valencia.


За авторот

Марио Масичуло - eTN Италија

Марио е ветеран во туристичката индустрија.
Неговото искуство се протега низ целиот свет од 1960 година кога на 21-годишна возраст почнал да ги истражува Јапонија, Хонг Конг и Тајланд.
Марио го виде развојот на светскиот туризам до денес и беше сведок на тоа
уништување на коренот/сведоштво за минатото на добар број земји во корист на модерноста/напредок.
Во текот на последните 20 години, искуството за патување на Марио се концентрираше во Југоисточна Азија, а подоцна го вклучи и индискиот потконтинент.

Дел од работното искуство на Марио вклучува повеќе активности во цивилната авијација
полето беше завршено по организирањето на почетокот на Малезија Сингапур ерлајнс во Италија како институтор и продолжи 16 години во улога на менаџер за продажба /маркетинг Италија за Сингапур ерлајнс по разделбата на двете влади во октомври 1972 година.

Официјалната новинарска лиценца на Марио е од „Националниот ред на новинари Рим, Италија во 1977 година.

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